Jack The Ripper Essays (Examples)

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Jack the Ripper
Pages: 4 Words: 1714

Jack the Ripper
The mystery of Jack the Ripper has led to much speculation and countless stories about who the killer might possibly be. From an alien to the royal physician, there is no shortage of suggestions or myths about the motives and resources Jack the Ripper would have needed in order to carry-out such horrendous and meticulous crimes. In this essay, we will discuss the individuals suspected by Scotland Yard, and develop our own hypothesis by constructing a typology of Jack the Ripper that includes the killer's potential sociological background, physique, their understanding of sexuality and violence, and most importantly, psychological condition.

According to Larry S. Barbee of casebook.org, three suspects were seriously considered by Scotland Yard to be Jack the Ripper. In a confidential report by Chief Constable Sir Melville Macnaghten, M.J. Druitt is named as a primary suspect in the murders. (Barbee, 2011) A lawyer who supplemented his income…...


Works Cited

Barbee, L. (2011). Casebook: jack the ripper. Retrieved from  http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/serial_killers/index.html 

Bardsley, M. (2011). Jack the ripper. Retrieved from  http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/serial_killers/notorious/ripper/index_1.html

Jack the Ripper
Pages: 5 Words: 1304

psychological examination of the story of Jack the ipper. The actions of Jack the ipper would pale in comparison to some of the more modern serial killers but the tale of Jack the ipper lives on as one of the most historical cases the world has experienced. The writer delves into why this is true as well as the psychological aspects of the case. There were four sources used to complete this paper.
One of the most compelling issues in the case of Jack the ripper from 1888 is the fact that it has never been solved. The person who committed the murders of five prostitutes vanished as easily as he killed, without a trace (Jack The ipper (http://www.murderuk.com/serialkillers/jacktheripper.htm).One of the reasons that the case became as famous as it did and still holds the fascination of so many legal experts is because it was one of the first modern…...



Jack The Ripper


Identity Unknown

Jack the Ripper: The Complete Casebook by Donald Rumbelow

Jack the Ripper
Pages: 4 Words: 1426

Criminal Justice
Jack the ipper

By today's measures of what is wrong, Jack the ipper would hardly make the news, killing a meager five prostitutes in a massive slum brimming with bad people. He would be seen as just one more brutal bad guy fulfilling his distorted needs on the scum of society. So why do people still talk about it today - for the reason that Jack the ipper symbolizes the characteristic whodunit. Not only is the instance a continuing unanswered ambiguity that expert and layperson sleuths have tried to resolve for many years, but the tale has a frightening, almost paranormal superiority to it. He comes from out of the mist, murders aggressively and rapidly, and vanishes without a trace. Then, for no obvious explanation, he gratifies his blood lust with mounting fierceness, concluding in the near annihilation of his last victim, and then disappears forever (Bardsley, n.d.).

"Jack the ipper…...



Barbee, Larry S. (n.d.). Jack the Ripper. Retrieved from  http://www.casebook.org/intro.html 

Bardsley, Marilyn. (n.d.). The Case of Jack the Ripper - Perennial Thriller. Retrieved from  http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/serial_killers/notorious/ripper/index_1.html

Diary of Jack the Ripper
Pages: 3 Words: 1055

Jack the ipper
How do you feel that this case impacted the field of death investigation?

Ignoring things like DNA and other forensic tools that came about or came into their current focus nearly a century after the Jack the ipper deaths, there is no doubt an impact to the field of death investigation. One major impact is that there is now a very engrained skepticism about anonymous letters of people claiming to be the killer and/or killings that have the basic look and feel of a supposed serial killer but are missing some of the details that are not publicly known and are thus actually not linkable to the prior killings that are known to be of the actual serial killer.

To that end, there is a much more entrenched and developed concept and field of profiling, looking for a consistent motive and "signature" from one killing to the next and actually…...



ACLU. (2013, July 7). American Civil Liberties Union. ACLU On The Hill: NSA Surveillance. Retrieved August 30, 2013, from  https://www.aclu.org/blog/national-security/aclu-hill-nsa-surveillance-intrusive-and-unconstitutional 

Explore Forensics. (2013, August 30). Rigor Mortis and Lividity. Forensic Science, Crime Scene Investigations and Pathology. Retrieved August 30, 2013, from  http://www.exploreforensics.co.uk/rigor-mortis-and-lividity.html 

Palm, A.M. (2011, April 20). Video released from fatal shootout at Internet cafe's- Orlando Sentinel. Featured Articles From The Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved August 30, 2013, from  http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2011-04-20/news/os-apopka-robber-shot-dead-20110419_1_fatal-shootout-surveillance-video-internet-time 

Slifer, S. (2013, August 30). Jack the Ripper Case: 125 years later, murders of London prostitutes by notorious serial killer remain unsolved - Crimesider - CBS News. Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News - CBS News. Retrieved August 30, 2013, from  http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-57600477-504083/jack-the-ripper-case-125-years-later-murders-of-london-prostitutes-by-notorious-serial-killer-remain-unsolved/

Jtr Jack the Ripper Summary
Pages: 16 Words: 4591

This letter provided the strongest link to the letter writer and an actual murder that was committed. There are varying degrees concerning the authenticity of this package and letter (Barbee 2006). Nonetheless, officials did know that this particular victim had Bright's disease, which changes the way that the kidneys look (Barbee 2006). The piece of the kidney that was sent is consistent with someone with this particular disease (Barbee 2006).
As it relates more specifically to evidence related to this crime, a great deal of the evidence has been damaged or misplaced (Barbee 2006). According to the author during this particular time in history police did not have the ability to test DNA and as such the only way this killer or any criminal could be caught was in the act of the crime or as a result of a confession (Barbee 2006). As it relates to Jack the ipper…...



Barbee L. (2005) Casebook: Jack the Ripper.  http://www.casebook.org/intro.html 

Britton Vickie (2006) Jack the Ripper: Case Study.  http://www.suite101.com/lesson.cfm/18593/1948 

Cawthorne N. (1994) Sex Killers. Boxtree: London

Ryder S. (ed) 2006. Public Reactions to Jack the Ripper. Inklings Press

Portrait of a Killer Jack
Pages: 5 Words: 1592

On one hand he was portrayed by the Cornwell was the killer of the prostitutes while on the other Sickert was a staunch defender of the sanctity of marriage and reportedly even fired one of his most important dealers for dumping his wife of 25 years for a younger woman. Sickert's wife even gave evidence that the last thee killings by the ipper were committed in London in a time when Walter had gone to France while Cornwell did not agree. Alibis have important place in criminal investigation cases. Similarly, eye witnesses also have their importance. The eye witnesses in case of Jack the ipper gave a different description of the killer as compared to the appearance of Sickert while Cornwell dismissed such accounts with the point-of-view that he must have created a different appearance using different materials like dark grease paint, hair dye etc.
In most criminal investigations the…...



Jack the Ripper, the Dialectic of Enlightenment and the Search for Spiritual Deliverance in White Chappell Scarlet Tracings. Contributors: Alex Murray - author. Journal Title: Critical Survey. Volume: 16. Issue: 1. Publication Year: 2004. Page Number: 52+.

Nickell, J. (March-April, 2003). The strange case of Pat the Ripper - Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper, Case Closed by Patricia Cornwell - book review. Available at  http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2843/is_2_27/ai_98252936/pg_1

About Controversial Science
Pages: 5 Words: 1676

Scientific Objectivity and Scientific Irascibility:
Melvin Harris' rhetoric on the perpetration of the fraud of the Maybrick Ink test

According to author Melvin Harris, one of the most infamous hoaxes ever perpetrated against the community of scientists, historians, and laypersons was that of the Maybrick 'Jack the Ripper' diaries. Jack the Ripper, the serial killer who terrorized prostitutes during the late Victorian Era, remains a great unsolved crime. The supporters of the so-called Maybrick diaries claimed to solve the Jack the Ripper murders by implicating convicted 19th century murderer John Maybrick. The diaries were 'discovered' during the late 20th century and a subsequent book by Shirley Harrison was published to support this claim that Maybrick was 'Jack.' However, Melvin Harris in his essay "The Maybrick Hoax: A fact-file for the perplexed," disputes the scientific evidence presented by the supporters of the Maybrick theory. Scientific tests of the diaries proved contradictory, and according…...


Works Cited

Harris, Melvin. "The Maybrick Hoax: A fact-file for the perplexed," 1997: 1-5.

Public Woman Was'so Controversial
Pages: 2 Words: 627

The "respectable" women did not have anything to worry about, and this shows the great class distinctions in England at the time. The author continues, "They reinforced prevailing prejudices about the East End as a strange territory of savages, a social abyss, an inferno" (Walkowitz 77). To the upper class, these people did not exist, and should not exist, especially the pubic women who were forced to make their life on the streets.
In addition, after the murders, there was so much public outcry that several of the lodging houses these women relied on were raised, which made them homeless as well as desperate. The public simply wanted the problem to disappear, but it just relocated the women to an even more precarious position. There were even people that tried to profit off the women's deaths, opening up museums with wax figures of them depicted in detail. In reality, these…...



Walkowitz, Judith a. Jack the Ripper and the Myth of Male Violence.

Gender in Dr Strangelove Stanley
Pages: 5 Words: 1774

The 1964 film Dr. Strangelove uses the context of Cold ar brinksmanship in order to uncover a more fundamental problem with patriarchy and the maintenance of a destructive masculinity. This masculinity is under threat as a result of sexual frustration, and the characters of Ripper, Turgidson, and Kong embody three different kinds of this frustration. Ripper's sexual frustration is the most explicit, and leads to the most overtly violent reaction. Turgidson's sexual frustration is not the result of a physiological problem but rather due to pent-up energy, and thus his reaction is to cheer on the violence perpetrated by Ripper, even if he cannot engage in it himself. Finally, Kong, who is denied the kind of sexual immediacy granted Turgidson, nonetheless is able to overcome the frustration experienced by the other two men when he finally succeeds in dropping a nuclear bomb. Thus, the film suggests that the true threat…...


Works Cited

Bingham, Dennis. "I do Want to Live!": Female Voices, Male Discourse, and Hollywood

Biopics." Cinema Journal 38.3 (1999): 3,3-26

Cardullo, Bert. "Why we Fight, Or Men, War, the Movies, and Metaphor." The Midwest

Quarterly 52.3 (2011): 239,239-255.

Bergson and Kubrick How I
Pages: 10 Words: 3234

And Sellers plays the repressed social engineer Strangelove, the timid Merkin Muffley, and the persevering Mandrake -- all with mechanical precision. Kubrick's unflinching camera acts as a character, too, slyly observing the exposition of humanity in all its grimly humorous glory.
This film belongs to a culture that has rejected the status quo -- the quaint picturesque comedies of the 1940s and 1950s; it belongs to a culture that is bordering on nihilism, anarchy, revolution -- anything that will help it to get away from the culture that has brought us the faceless, nameless idiots running the ar Room in Dr. Strangelove. The film offers no solutions -- it only asks us to present ourselves to world with fresh eyes, a pure soul able and willing to laugh at its human foibles and failings, and begin to meditate upon a new direction, a new solution perhaps to the problem of…...


Works Cited

Aristotle. Poetics. Sacred-texts. 13 May 2013. Web. < http://www.sacred-


Bergson, Henri. Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic. NY: MacMillan,

1914. Print.

Devil in White City the
Pages: 5 Words: 1501

America's sprawling territories makes it easy for people to leave their families and connections, making it easier to kill or be killed. On one hand, the inventions of the Fair and the belief in commercialism and industry makes spectacle possible in a way that is not easily replicated anywhere else, Eiffel Tower aside. More so than anywhere else, the belief in newness and self-creation seems to be a kind of religion in America. Chicago would recreate itself, and so would Holmes. Science would set America free, leaving older primitive cultures to curiosity cabinets and freak shows, and science would give Holmes the tools to create the perfect murders, and then to profit by selling the remains, letting nothing go to waste in this little 'business' he was running. For both Holmes and Chicago, eradication of the 'dark city' beneath the image of a white facade was the essence of…...


Works Cited

Larson, Erik. The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic and Madness New York: Crown,

Erik Larson, the Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic and Madness, (New York: Crown, 2003), p.4.

Larson, p.4

Larson, p.62

Buck Ruxton Case
Pages: 3 Words: 1047

Buck uxton
From the perspective of being a death scene investigator, the Buck uxton case was very unique and trend-setting for a number of reasons. The concept of a perpetrator killing a witness and/or a lover due to perceived or verified infidelity was nothing new, then or now, but a lot of the other components of the case and how it was solved were absolutely groundbreaking at the time and in several ways.

One thing that made the case quite unique was the fact that the murderer was a doctor. This probable became quite clear because of the way the bodies were dismembered in such a way so as to conceal their identities but the case was groundbreaking in the sense that fingerprint technology and other forensic methods were used to identify the body and the time of death. Analysis of the maggots on the body as well as looking the newspapers…...



NIH. (2013, September 6). Visible Proofs: Forensic Views of the Body: Exhibition: Technologies of Surveillance. National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health. Retrieved September 6, 2013, from  http://www.nlm.nih.gov/visibleproofs/exhibition/views.html 

NIH. (2013, September 6). Visible Proofs: Forensic Views of the Body: Galleries: Cases: The Buck Ruxton "Jigsaw Murders" case. National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health. Retrieved September 6, 2013, from  http://www.nlm.nih.gov/visibleproofs/galleries/cases/ruxton.html 

Scotsman. (2013, September 6). Till death do us part - News - The Scotsman. The Scotsman. Retrieved September 6, 2013, from  http://www.scotsman.com/news/till-death-do-us-part-1-466109

Cold War Era Films
Pages: 12 Words: 3422

Cold War Era
Many films about the cold war era, especially the early films, speak out against its ideals, while others support these ideals. elow is a consideration of selected Cold War era films, and how these were influenced by the Cold War.

Dr. Strangelove

Dr. Strangelove is subtitled "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the omb." Its producer/director is Stanley Kubrick and the film was released during 1964. The film is a satire with the aim of exposing Cold War politics that could result in absurd accidents such as a nuclear attack. The more serious film Fail-Safe, released during the same year, has often been compared with Dr. Strangelove. This is discussed in more detail later.

Part of Dr. Strangelove's theme is the evils of technology. This is the culprit causing the disastrous accident. It is interesting that a disclaimer had to accompany the film's release shortly after the assassination…...



Dirks, T. "Fail-Safe." 1996-2002.  http://www.destgulch.com/movies/fsafe/ 

North by Northwest." 1996-2002.  http://www.filmsite.org/nort.html 

Heise, H. "Dr. Strangelove." Hannover, 1996-2000.  http://www.filmsite.org/drst.html 

Hinson, H. "The Russia House" film review. The Washington Post, December 12, 1990.

the historical construction of rape'sexuality race
Pages: 2 Words: 620

In “Crimes Which Startle and Horrify: Gender, Age, and the Racialization of Sexual Violence in White American Newspapers, 1870-1900,” Estelle Fredman situates rape as a series of interconnected power relations, focusing on the intersection between race and gender in particular. Fredman analyzes the historical context of rape, showing how rape is socially constructed in ways that reinforce patriarchal and racist norms. Besides the cogent thesis driving Fredman’s work, the author also relies on a tight methodology, focusing on media accounts in nineteenth century American newspapers geared to primarily white male readers. Fredman claims that the media proliferated the two central archetypes that defined American social and political hierarchies for the coming generations: the black male sexual predator and the innocent, vulnerable child victim. Fredman begins the article with a brief introduction to the historiography of rape. The rise of the popular media during the late nineteenth century was especially critical for…...

Helter Skelter in History
Pages: 5 Words: 1579

Helter Skelter
The strengths and deficiencies of Helter Skelter, Vincent Bugliosi's account of Charles Manson, his followers, and his trial and subsequent conviction both stem from one single fact about the author. Vincent Bugliosi was the Prosecutor who tried the state's case against Manson, a trial which he ultimately won. Yet we must recollect that Manson -- recently making his obligatory appearance in the tabloid press after announcing his engagement to a much younger woman, an engagment later called off -- remains in prison in California for a number of murders that he himself did not actually commit. Bugliosi in the courtroom was required to paint the picture so that Manson could be tried for conspiracy, and succeeded. He intends to do the same thing in Helter Skelter. I hope to examine Bugliosi's book as a way of considering Manson as a historical figure.

This seeming emphasis on Manson's criminality as a…...

Could you support me in crafting a thesis statement about the Jack The Ripper?
Words: 122

Thesis statement for a descriptive essay on Jack the Ripper: Through a meticulously descriptive examination of the infamous crimes attributed to Jack the Ripper, this essay aims to unravel the horrifying details, analyze the impact on Victorian society, and shed light on the enduring notoriety surrounding the unidentified killer.

Some potential angles to consider for your thesis statement could include exploring the theories surrounding the identity of Jack the Ripper, delving into the social and cultural context of Victorian London, examining the investigation and media coverage of the murders, or discussing the lasting impact of these crimes on popular culture.....

Could you support me in crafting a thesis statement about the Jack The Ripper?
Words: 547

Thesis Statement:

The elusive identity of Jack the Ripper remains an enduring enigma due to a combination of historical factors, including limited forensic evidence, sensationalist media coverage, and the subsequent emergence of conspiracy theories and conflicting narratives.


London's East End was gripped by terror in the autumn of 1888 as a series of gruesome murders, attributed to the unknown killer known as Jack the Ripper, sent shockwaves through the city. Over a century later, the identity of the Ripper persists as one of the most tantalizing unsolved mysteries in criminal history. This thesis will explore the complexities surrounding the Jack the Ripper....

Could you offer some ideas for titles for my essay examining Serial Killers?
Words: 257

1. The psychology of serial killers: exploring their motives and behaviors

2. Nature vs. nurture: understanding the factors that contribute to serial killer tendencies

3. The evolution of profiling techniques in identifying and catching serial killers

4. Society's fascination with serial killers: the role of media in perpetuating their fame

5. Serial killers and mental illness: exploring the link between psychopathy and violent behavior

6. The impact of childhood trauma on the development of serial killers

7. Female serial killers: uncovering the myths and realities behind their crimes

8. Serial killers and the justice system: examining the challenges of prosecuting and sentencing these criminals

9. The legacy of....

Can you provide a detailed outline of the suspected timeline of Jack the Ripper\'s murders in Whitechapel in 1888?
Words: 576

I. Introduction
A. Background of Jack the Ripper
1. Brief history of the Victorian era in London
2. Rampant poverty and social inequality
B. Significance of Jack the Ripper
1. Infamous serial killer of the time
2. Unidentified killer has captured public imagination for over a century

II. Historical Context
A. Life in Victorian London
1. Describe living conditions
2. Impact of industrialization on society
B. Society's reaction to Jack the Ripper
1. Fear and panic among the population
2. Media's role in spreading awareness and speculation

III. Jack the Ripper's Victims
A. Overview of the victims
1. Mary Ann Nichols

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